ISA partner

ISA je nezisková mimovládna organizácia propagujúca investičný sektor v Slovenskej republike. ISA je skupina popredných profesionálov v oblasti služieb, ktorá pomáha zahraničným a domácim subjektom pri ich pôsobení v Slovenskej republike. Združuje viac ako 30 spoločností poskytujúcich poradenské a iné služby investorom v nasledujúcich oblastiach: právne služby, realitné poradenstvo, poradenstvo v oblasti životného prostredia, riadenia, audit finančného poradenstva a dane, architektúra a dizajn, projektový a stavebný manažment, stavebníctvo - inžinierske, IT a telekomunikačné služby.

V prípade záujmu o konzultácie k týmto témam si vopred naplánujte stretnutie cez registračný portál zvoľte „Investment Support Association“.


ISA is a non-profit non-governmental organization promoting actively promoting Slovak Republic as an investment destination as a country of choice. ISA is a group of leading professionals in the field of services, which assists foreign and domestic entities in their operations in the Slovak Republic. It brings together more than 30 companies providing advisory and other services to investors in the following areas: legal services, real estate consulting, environmental consulting, audit, financial consulting and taxes, management consulting services, quality management, personnel consulting and recruitment, executive search, architecture and design, project and construction management, construction - engineering, IT and telecommunications services.

If you are interested in consultations, plan a meeting in advance. Select "Investment Support Association" in the registration portal.